Thursday, November 29, 2007

You're The Best

I feel like this needs a qualifier. Heck, maybe even a vote. Tell me (after reading this post) if you still don't like it.

As if you hadn't noticed I've been killing off each entry with the phrase "You're The Best." I did have a few reasons for this:

Firstly, if you were sitting here with me, intently listening to whatever i could conjure up, I think that's about what I'd say at the end. How kind of you to put up with me and to continue to feign interest. If you do that in real life, You really are the best.

Secondly, I really think it. I don't know what You are the best at, but you'll find it. And I want to encourage you to continue your search.

Thirdly, I've always wanted a sign off. Reagan had one. Why can't I? It's like a finishing move in Mortal Kombat. You can throw punch-kick combos aimlessly and still win but if you memorize one dank fatality, everyone is beholden to you.

Fourth and lastly, It reminds me of my homeboy Curt who used to go about his daily activities asserting to all that he was the best. If you say it enough times, it becomes true. So I say it in hopes that you start saying it to yourself. Would you do that for me?

I hope so. You're the best.


D Smith said...


amy said...

i like it. it's accurate, and i like that.

austinmcraig said...

I can do that for you, no problem. YOU'RE the best. No, YOU are.