Thursday, November 29, 2007

Re(al)Load Button

I have never agreed with the recent trend in defining insanity as "trying the same thing over and over again expecting different results." It has gained popularity in the last, I would say, three or four years. No one knows why this became the good thing to do all of the sudden.

For one thing, insanity isn't a verb. We can all agree on that, I think. No one says "What's the matter with Ed?" "Oh don't worry about it, he's just doing some insanity." Well, maybe someone does. But I assure you, that person is insane.

Lets take for instance lifting weights. Not one of my favorite pastimes, but it works. By this definition, anyone who sets foot in a gym in any sort of consecutive fashion is a lunatic. That might be true, but I promise it won't be because they don't get ripped.

Take also the reload button on the top of your screen. If the page you want isn't loading, just keep pushing that baby. You will get what you want. Although, to be fair, that button has driven me a little insane on occasion. Just stick to the example about weights.

To set the record straight, this is the definition:

[in-san-i-tee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun, plural -ties.
1.the condition of being insane; a derangement of the mind.
2.Law. such unsoundness of mind as affects legal responsibility or capacity.
3.Psychiatry. (formerly) psychosis.
4.extreme folly; senselessness; foolhardiness.

Next time you want to sound smart don't go with what you heard in a catchy flick about unrequited love or a church talk about changing your ways. Look it up.

You're still the best. Even if you are a little dense sometimes.


amy said...
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amy said...

i agree with you, brother, and have been irritated with my mormon compadres for their oft quotings. just cuz' einstein said it don't make it true.

sorry i deleted my first comment, but it ended up sounding more angry than i felt.