Friday, November 30, 2007

Re(al)Load Button: Revamped

I have been called out on my post about insanity. Soundly so. I'm willing to admit it.

My example about the weights doesn't hold any weight itself because the expectation of going to the gym is to add muscle mass. An increase suggests a change, even if it does have a nice loophole quality to it. It's not as though a person goes to the gym one day to put on muscle mass and the next day to see if they can grow some antlers. Although, I 'd like to watch that. You psycho.

I have also been informed that the quote did not materialize out of dust in the cosmos as I had originally hypothesized and hoped. Einstein said it. And not that the man can't be disproved, but he was no slouch. Sorry for doubting you, Al. Take some comfort in the fact that you will always have a staunch and able advocate in Spencer Wilcox.

You're the best.


amy said...

i still think mormons need to lay off them quotes.

meredith said...


Seemed appropriate.

austinmcraig said...

Antlers. HA!

Jami said...

How come Albert gets to make words mean whatever he wants, now? I say insanity means: rhubarb pie. Rhubarb isn't even good.