Thursday, November 29, 2007

Strike On

I think the WGA is still on strike. Or anyway, I joined a facebook group this morning supporting their return.

I have to be honest though, as I did on the wall of the group, I don't support their return. I get a pretty good kick out of the thousands crying foul like addicts at a rehab. "Don't take our shows!" Get real.

I think it should be upsetting to people how easily placated they are by fast cut, fast solution garbage. Is that what you want your mind to be? So much so that you are willing to get up-in-arms about it? Go have a glass of whiskey. At least it's you manipulating your thoughts that way. Not some talented staff of writers crafting whatever sells for higher ratings.

I'm not actually as pissed as I may sound, but I do think it's pretty sad to see people suffering actual withdrawals from having to watch a few re-runs of 24. Go read a book. Or watch a movie that you don't understand right away. Or go for a jog. There is more to life than what the Writers Guild can compose.

You're the best. Not the guild.

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