Friday, November 30, 2007

Re(al)Load Button: Revamped

I have been called out on my post about insanity. Soundly so. I'm willing to admit it.

My example about the weights doesn't hold any weight itself because the expectation of going to the gym is to add muscle mass. An increase suggests a change, even if it does have a nice loophole quality to it. It's not as though a person goes to the gym one day to put on muscle mass and the next day to see if they can grow some antlers. Although, I 'd like to watch that. You psycho.

I have also been informed that the quote did not materialize out of dust in the cosmos as I had originally hypothesized and hoped. Einstein said it. And not that the man can't be disproved, but he was no slouch. Sorry for doubting you, Al. Take some comfort in the fact that you will always have a staunch and able advocate in Spencer Wilcox.

You're the best.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Strike On

I think the WGA is still on strike. Or anyway, I joined a facebook group this morning supporting their return.

I have to be honest though, as I did on the wall of the group, I don't support their return. I get a pretty good kick out of the thousands crying foul like addicts at a rehab. "Don't take our shows!" Get real.

I think it should be upsetting to people how easily placated they are by fast cut, fast solution garbage. Is that what you want your mind to be? So much so that you are willing to get up-in-arms about it? Go have a glass of whiskey. At least it's you manipulating your thoughts that way. Not some talented staff of writers crafting whatever sells for higher ratings.

I'm not actually as pissed as I may sound, but I do think it's pretty sad to see people suffering actual withdrawals from having to watch a few re-runs of 24. Go read a book. Or watch a movie that you don't understand right away. Or go for a jog. There is more to life than what the Writers Guild can compose.

You're the best. Not the guild.

You're The Best

I feel like this needs a qualifier. Heck, maybe even a vote. Tell me (after reading this post) if you still don't like it.

As if you hadn't noticed I've been killing off each entry with the phrase "You're The Best." I did have a few reasons for this:

Firstly, if you were sitting here with me, intently listening to whatever i could conjure up, I think that's about what I'd say at the end. How kind of you to put up with me and to continue to feign interest. If you do that in real life, You really are the best.

Secondly, I really think it. I don't know what You are the best at, but you'll find it. And I want to encourage you to continue your search.

Thirdly, I've always wanted a sign off. Reagan had one. Why can't I? It's like a finishing move in Mortal Kombat. You can throw punch-kick combos aimlessly and still win but if you memorize one dank fatality, everyone is beholden to you.

Fourth and lastly, It reminds me of my homeboy Curt who used to go about his daily activities asserting to all that he was the best. If you say it enough times, it becomes true. So I say it in hopes that you start saying it to yourself. Would you do that for me?

I hope so. You're the best.

Re(al)Load Button

I have never agreed with the recent trend in defining insanity as "trying the same thing over and over again expecting different results." It has gained popularity in the last, I would say, three or four years. No one knows why this became the good thing to do all of the sudden.

For one thing, insanity isn't a verb. We can all agree on that, I think. No one says "What's the matter with Ed?" "Oh don't worry about it, he's just doing some insanity." Well, maybe someone does. But I assure you, that person is insane.

Lets take for instance lifting weights. Not one of my favorite pastimes, but it works. By this definition, anyone who sets foot in a gym in any sort of consecutive fashion is a lunatic. That might be true, but I promise it won't be because they don't get ripped.

Take also the reload button on the top of your screen. If the page you want isn't loading, just keep pushing that baby. You will get what you want. Although, to be fair, that button has driven me a little insane on occasion. Just stick to the example about weights.

To set the record straight, this is the definition:

[in-san-i-tee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun, plural -ties.
1.the condition of being insane; a derangement of the mind.
2.Law. such unsoundness of mind as affects legal responsibility or capacity.
3.Psychiatry. (formerly) psychosis.
4.extreme folly; senselessness; foolhardiness.

Next time you want to sound smart don't go with what you heard in a catchy flick about unrequited love or a church talk about changing your ways. Look it up.

You're still the best. Even if you are a little dense sometimes.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

An Innocent Game Of Squash

Austin wanted to make darn sure no one touched this beauty. And, really, who could blame him?

You're the best.

In Addition

I would like to say that the only reason I did not delete my first two posts, which embarrass me tremendously, is because the only thing worse than writing the insecure crap that I wrote is not not owning that I wrote it. So, I hope I get better at this so I don't have to feel ashamed when I post.

Feel free to tell whoever you like about this blog. My secrets are safe with you.

You're the best.

Well, maybe you are second to my awesome sign-off catch phrase. But you're still pretty good.


I have decided to give this baby another twirl. Six months later. The way I will do it (unless I am incredibly inspired by something that I am really itching to write about and my hands are on this exact keyboard begging for me to spend my free time on blogspot) will be to transcribe the things that I write in class. I feel like that is a frequent enough event that I could manage to post semi-frequently and feel like I am contributing to some community. Even if it's a virtual one.

Here goes. I wrote this about a month ago, in the tiniest handwriting possible, when some kid kept trying to see what I was drawing in my pink cougar spiral.

I can't tell you how much I enjoy writing small. Highly cathartic, this. I sincerely believe that if I do this, it will make onlookers think I'm writing a genius piece of literature. "Why else would he write so small?" They will wonder. Well, keep on wondering you peeping tom. I write this small to tantalize. Its like a seductive neighbor intentionally using translucent drapes. You may be close, but you just can't tell. Certainly, my favorite "moth" in this class is the brain dead seducee behind me. Keep trying to look around my beautiful shoulders. Catch a word like "colloquial" and speculate as you slump back again. Should you be writing? Did you miss the memo? Oh, I suppose you did. Big trouble for you, buddy. Get movin'.

I want to add, for your sake my little blog babies, that it is in this same class that I receive a daily sudoku puzzle from the attractive girl who replaced the brain dead bum who used to sit right behind me. Everyday she tears them out, and passes them around to her neighbors. I have concocted, in my mind, that if I do them the fastest that she will be more interested in me thereby. It's my only incentive to pick up the pace. And everyday I'm let down that she doesn't write her number on the torn out puzzle she hands me. One day, darling. One day.

I'm glad to be here, even if school does try to kill me. You're the best.