Thursday, December 20, 2007

When A Plan Comes Together

Don't you just love it? I know I do.

Not that my plans today were particularly great, but they all happened. I finished my exams, cooked myself the dinner I've been wanting since Monday and saw No Country For Old Men (and no one talked! Huge pet peeve. Maybe I'll explain it in a later post.) Anyway, I'll maintain an acceptable GPA, probably sleep very well tonight and check another one off my "movies to see" list. It's the simple things, right? SIGH...

Maybe this post was boring. But at least it's over.

You're the best.

1 comment:

austinmcraig said...

Wow. That post was just boring. Really couldn't you have something bad happen and write about that? Bad happenings are always more exciting, like on soap operas, or professional wrestling.