Monday, April 7, 2008


Now hear this. I'm supposed to do something creative. For a class. I'm supposed to contrive up something the likes of which Brent Strong has never seen.

So, friends, send me your creative thoughts. It has to be something I can produce. Something I can make with my clumsy mitts. He prefers that it not be a paper. So do I frankly.

If you come up with something that I do, I will buy you five candy bars of your choosing. That's a promise.


You're the best.


amy said...

did writing songs go out of fashion?

Craig said...

An exhibition of swiss things: taken random objects and poke holes in them and render them swiss.

D Smith said...

i have an idea that i htought would be cool, but it's little hard to explain so I'll tell you about it in person.

Snolark said...

why doesn't the jumpsuit thing count?
Whatever. You're the most creative person I know.